Would you ever run for Stonewall Housing? – Stonewall Housing

Would you ever run for Stonewall Housing?

We caught up with one of our brilliant supporters Josh Woodward. Josh bravely took on this year’s Royal Parks Half Marathon in support of our work. Together, our terrific team of runners raised over £7700 for Stonewall Housing!


So Josh, what made you decide to fundraise for Stonewall Housing?

I knew before finding a charity sponsor that I wanted to run for an LGBTQ+ charity – we’ve got to support one-another! After learning about the ways this charity supports vulnerable people in our community, it felt like a perfect fit.


Can you tell us about some of the challenges you experienced, both fundraising and training?

Aside from a toenail falling out, I found training for the half marathon really enjoyable. With the right trainers, the rest is all in your head. It took me a while to get used to running longer distances, and it turns out: slow is fast… I can recommend a good audiobook, and ‘Red, White, and Royal Blue’ kept things entertaining.


How was the experience of fundraising and what helped make your fundraising drive such a success?

I have amazing supporters in my family, friends, and colleagues. I also have to thank the incredible ASWT community around the world. I was absolutely blown away. People I’ve never met, united in a common goal, and willing to the Stonewall Housing fundraiser. I’m very grateful.


What would you tell someone who is interested in fundraising for Stonewall Housing?

Do it! The Stonewall Housing team are a lovely bunch and checked in regularly to support me in my training and fundraising efforts. It was really motivating to hear exactly how the funds would be spent across the charity, and I was so happy to be a part of it.


Feeling inspired by Josh and looking to support Stonewall Housing with a challenge?

Email challenge@stonewallhousing.org to chat with our team.